In this 45-minute webinar, Berman Fink Van Horn continues its “Office Hours” series to highlight the tools you need to grow and protect the reputation of your business through the digital pivot and beyond – without getting cancelled.
With an emphasis on practical advice and the use of story-telling, this presentation, “What’s Next? Top Considerations to Grow your Business after the Digital Pivot,” focuses on social media, employment and IP matters, as well as several other key topics.* BFV speakers include:
Lea Dearing
Lauren Frisch
Ruari O’Sullivan
Bill Piercy and
Ken Winkler
*BFV’s “Office Hours” is for informational purposes only and does not contain legal advice. Please do not act or refrain from acting based on anything you learn during the “Office Hours.” We are happy to talk with you after the presentation if you want legal advice.
Kenneth Winkler, a shareholder at Berman Fink Van Horn, helps employers navigate the employment laws and regulations that govern the workplace.