BFV Perspectives, Covid-19 Updates, Noncompete & Trade Secrets, | May 19, 2021

Podcast: Trade Secret Roundtable on Developments and Emerging Issues

As recent panelists at the Trade Secret Roundtable on Developments and Emerging Issues, your podcast hosts, Ben Fink, Russell Beck and John Marsh, would like to share the program through their podcast. The program was presented by NERA Economic Consulting. Additional panelists included Dr. Stephanie Demperio and Vicki Cundiff.

In part one of the program, we covered what satisfies the reasonable efforts requirement and considerations in early case assessment, including when and how to involve an expert.

In part two of the program, we cover how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted trade secret litigation and new developments in noncompete legislation and the expected impact on trade secrets litigation.

CLICK HERE to play the podcast (part one)

CLICK HERE to play the podcast (part two)

BFV Perspectives, Covid-19 Updates, Noncompete & Trade Secrets, | May 19, 2021
Benjamin I. Fink
Benjamin I. Fink

Benjamin Fink is known for his work in noncompete, trade secret and competition-related disputes. A shareholder at Berman Fink Van Horn, Ben concentrates his practice in business and employment litigation.