In this Association of Corporate Counsel Georgia Chapter “Deep Dive” Luncheon and Webinar, Benjamin Fink, a shareholder at Berman Fink Van Horn, presented “Employer Non-Competes and Other Restrictive Covenants: Trends, Traps and Hot Topics.” Below is a brief description of the 60-minute presentation, which also includes a Q&A session:
Courts have always been wary of non-competes and other restrictive covenants for a variety of reasons, including the fact that they are often not negotiated and are viewed as “contracts of adhesion.” Now, due to the perceived overuse (some would say the abuse) of non-competes by many businesses, they are under assault by state and federal governments and regulators. This presentation explores the state of restrictive covenant law in Georgia as well as the status of efforts around the country to regulate their use. Trends and recent developments in the related topic of trade secret protection were also discussed.
Watch this video to learn everything you need to know to protect the competitive edge of your company.
Below are some practical business tips that you can use in your workplace, including:
Presentation (PowerPoint): “Employer Non-Competes and Other Restrictive Covenants: Trends, Traps and Hot Topics“
Blog: “5 Important Unfair Competition and Noncompete Updates that Every Employer or Business Owner Should Know”
Please let us know if you have any questions and as always, please let us know if we can help.